
Cutting-edge expertise and agility: driving innovative consumer experiences
Barbara Lavernos Barbara Lavernos
Executive Vice-President Operations
  • 42
    plants worldwide
  • 15
    carbon-neutral industrial sites
  • 8
    distribution channels(1)
Karlsruhe factory in Germany ; employee checking a Rose d’Arabie perfume bottle by Armani Private in the Lassigny factory, France

From hyper-automation to luxury know-how

The very broad range of expertise and the excellence of quality systems at L'Oréal mean its industrial facilities have a real competitive edge, as illustrated in two emblematic examples: the connected and automated factory at Karlsruhe in Germany on one hand, and the combination of "tailor-made" luxury and agility at Lassigny in France on the other.
  • 88
    packaging and processes patents filed in 2016

User experience design

With its design focused on user experience, the patented bendable wand of Grandiôse Liner by Lancôme is reinventing the way make-up is applied. In addition to its technical performance and practicality, packaging is crucial in both product differentiation and increasing perceived value for the consumer.
Consumer service advisors

A more agile and more digital supply chain

To make sure consumers get the best service wherever and whenever they need it, L'Oréal's supply chain(2) is evolving as fast as digital technology itself. The challenge is to ensure total customer satisfaction, both in stores and online, by taking on new challenges: the ramp-up of e-commerce, the personalisation of products and the management of products data and different delivery modes. All the while with the same guarantee of quality, swiftness and safety.
Solar panels at the North Little Rock factory, USA

Strongly committed performance

In the United States L’Oréal is committed to a project to build two large solar power plants, which means that 100% of production at its two factories will be powered by renewable energy. In Italy, for the Settimo Torinese plant, the water cycle resources is at the heart of the team’s commitment.

L'Oréal, a responsible world leader

CDP(3) has awarded L’Oréal an "A" rating – the best possible score – in three fields of environmental protection: fighting against climate change, managing water in a sustainable way and protecting forests. Only two companies worldwide, out of some 3,000, were awarded this distinction in 2016.


(1) Hair salons; mass-market; department stores and perfumeries; pharmacies, drugstores and medispas; free-standing stores; travel retail; e-commerce; convenience stores in the New Markets.
(2) L'Oréal's supply chain handles and optimises all information flows and physical products flows from suppliers to points-of-sale.
(3) CDP is an independent global organisation that evaluates companies' achievements in their environmental performance.