2018 Annual Results
Best sales growth in more than 10 years: +7.1%1
New record for operating margin: 18.3%
- Sales: 26.9 billion euros
- +7.1% like-for-like1
- +8.0% at constant exchange rates
- +3.5% based on reported figures
- Operating profit: 4.92 billion euros, representing 18.3% of sales
- Earnings per share2: 7.08 euros, an increase of +6.5%
- Net profit after non-controlling interests: 3.89 billion euros, an increase of +8.8%
- Dividend3: 3.85 euros, an increase of +8.5%
Read the full news release published on 7 February 2019.
Watch the webcast replay of the Financial Information Meeting held on 8 February 2019.
1. Like-for-like sales growth: based on a comparable scope of consolidation and identical exchange rates. See page 3 for more details.
2. Diluted earnings per share, based on net profit, excluding non-recurring items, after non-controlling interests, from continuing operations.
3. Proposed at the Annual General Meeting of 18 April 2019