Contacts and questions
Contacts and questions
Your contacts
The L'Oréal financial communications team is at your disposal. Please do not hesitate to contact us!

You are almost certainly a "bearer" shareholder. Only "registered" shareholders receive all the documents sent out to shareholders as their names appear in the company's books.
If you wish to remain a bearer shareholder but would still like to receive regular information about the group, we advise you to:
- sign up for our service of e-mail alerts in order to be immediately informed of the main financial news and events,
- subscribe to our Newsletter and receive our publications by post,- consult the www.loreal-finance.com website.
In order to be able to attend the Annual General Meeting, if you are a bearer shareholder, we recommend that you ask your financial intermediary for a certificate proving that you are a shareholder at the date of the request. Your financial intermediary will then send this certificate to BNP Paribas Securities Services, which will send you your entrance card.
In order to be immediately informed of the Group's main financial news and events, you can sign up to receive e-mail alerts
Information about the Annual Results and the Annual General meetings are also available on the website under the Results and Presentations section where you can also watch their replays.
All the events organized for individual shareholders can be found in the Shareholder Events section.
The calendar of shareholder meetings can be found in the Shareholders section under Key dates.
And Financial news releases can be found in the Regulated Information section.Shareholders' meetings usually take place in several regional capitals as well as in the Paris region. In 2023, two meetings were held in Annecy and Bordeaux. The 2024 meeting program is updated throughout the year and mentioned in the Letters to Shareholders.
You can contact us on one of the following numbers:
- calling from France through our toll-free line: 0800 66 66 66,
- or calling from outside of France: +33 1 40 14 80 50.You can also send us an e-mail to the following e-mail address: [email protected]
The digital version of the Annual Report and the Universal Registration Document are available for download on the Reports page.
In this way, you contribute to meeting L'Oréal's commitments in terms of social and environmental responsibility. However, we can still send you a paper version of our documents if needed by filling out the form here.
L'Oréal has no shareholders club. However, if you register your shares with L'Oréal, you can benefit from the numerous advantages which other companies reserve only for members of their shareholder club. For more information, visit the Loyalty bonus and Registered Shares page
L'Oréal participated in several events in 2023: in June at the BoursoLive e-show organized by Boursorama with the participation of Christophe Babule, Group Chief Administrative and Financial Officer, in November 2023 at the Invest Day trade show with speeches by L'Oréal experts and finally, in December 2023, Antoine Vanlaeys, Chief Operations Officer of L'Oréal, answered Laurent Grassin's questions about BoursoLive.
All these events are available on replay in the section Shareholders Meeting.
If you would like to become a member of the Shareholder Consultation Committee (SCC), we invite you to read the Internal Rules of the Committee (in French) and complete the questionnaire. The SCC is composed of 12 members, quarter of whom are renewed every year. If you decide to complete the form, your application could be accepted and studied during the next renewal of terms of office.
Since 1984, French companies' shares have been "dematerialised", i.e. they are recorded electronically in a securities account and are no longer evidenced by a hard copy certificate. Securities may be held in two forms:
- Bearer shares: when the name of the owner is not disclosed to the issuing company. However, they are not anonymous since they appear in the account managed by the financial intermediary.
- Registered shares: when the name of the shareholder appears in the books kept by the issuing company, which makes it easier for the company to communicate with its shareholders. These shares may be in either of two forms:- "Managed registered" shares: Management of the securities account is entrusted to a financial intermediary. The financial intermediary charges for this service.
- "Pure registered" shares: The securities are entered directly and solely in the books of the issuing company, which is in charge of the administrative management of the shares (usually via its authorised agent). This service is paid for by the company.See the advantages of registered shares on the Loyalty bonus and Registered Shares page.
The differences between "pure registered shares" and "managed registered shares" are as follows:
- Custody fees or account maintenance costs: no fees are charged to the shareholder for "directly registered shares" (paid for by the Issuer) while custody fees are charged for "managed registered shares" (you should ask your financial intermediary for prior information on the applicable charges).
- The custodian: in the case of "managed registered shares", the custodian may be chosen by the shareholder, while for "directly registered shares", the custodian is the issuer itself or its authorised agent (i.e. Uptevia for L'Oréal).
BEARER SHARES Trading on the stock market is "easy" and immediate
Freedom of choice of financial intermediary
Simplified portfolio management (possibility of grouping together all securities)
Payment of custody fees
No systematic communication by the issuing company
Need to obtain a certificate for attendance at shareholders' meetings
MANAGED REGISTERED SHARES Freedom of choice of financial intermediary
Simplified portfolio management (possibility of grouping together all securities)
The issuing company regularly sends various corporate communications, and notice of shareholders' meeting
Payment of custody fees (these may be increased)
Possibility of longer operational times being required due to the complexity of circulation of information media (statement of registered references - bordereau de références nominatives - BRN) between the issuing company, Euroclear and the custodian
DIRECTLY REGISTERED SHARES No custody fees are payable
No transfer fee from bearer shares to directly registered shares (L'Oréal will meet the cost up to a maximum of 50 euros, on presentation of the corresponding receipt)
The company regularly sends various corporate communications such as Letters to Shareholders, as well as notices to attend shareholder meetings
Preferential brokerage rate
Impossibility of having only one securities account in the event of simultaneous management of several securities
In order to carry out a stock market trade via your Registered Current Account (Compte Courant Nominatif - CCN), you must have completed and signed a contract for stock market services (click here to download a model of such contract in PDF format). As soon as this contract has been accepted, any shareholder may purchase or sell L'Oréal shares by providing Uptevia with instructions using any of the following methods:
- online: on the secure website PlanetShares, dedicated to directly registered shareholders: planetshares.uptevia.pro.fr,
- by mail: fill in this form and send it to the following address:
Service Relations Investisseurs L'Oréal - UPTEVIA, 90-110 Esplanade du Général de Gaulle, 92931 Paris La Défense Cedex, France,
- by telephone: call the toll-free number from France: 0 800 66 66 66 or +33 1 40 14 80 50 from abroad,
- by fax: +33 (0)1 55 77 34 17.N.B.: any trade order placed by telephone must be confirmed in writing within 48 hours (click here to download the document in a PDF file).
You will be required to provide the following mandatory information in order to place a trade order (without this information, your trade order may be rejected):
- your surname, first name and address
- the name of the share and the ISIN code
- the nature of the trade order (purchase or sale)
- the quantity of shares concerned
- the trade execution price: market price, limited price (in such a case, the price should be specified), best limit price
- date of validity of the trade order: exact day or end of the month
- date and your signatureFinally, the fees and taxes applicable to trade orders for L'Oréal shares are as follows:
Competitive brokerage costs:
- Brokerage rage: 0.10% for all orders. No minimum.
- Bank commission: €18.10 for paper forms; €8.10 for all other orders;
- €30 additional fee for payment by cheque.
Shares are never registered automatically. You have to expressly ask your financial intermediary to register them in writing.
You can register them as:
- either "directly registered shares": in which case you should send a letter to this effect to your custodian (click here to download the order form). The shares will be delivered to the issuing company in order to be registered as "directly registered shares". N.B.: L'Oréal will meet the cost of transfer fees up to a maximum of 50 euros, on presentation of the corresponding receipt.
- or as "managed registered shares": in which case your shares will be kept in the custody of your financial intermediary; your financial intermediary will inform L'Oréal that the shares have been registered as "managed registered shares".Check the login and password which was sent to you by Uptevia.
This loyalty bonus falls within the scope of our policy to reward all our shareholders who agree to accompany the group over the long term. It is not only aimed at individual shareholders but also concerns institutional investors who wish to make a long-term investment.
To benefit from the dividend plus 10%, you must hold your registered shares, pure or administered for at least two calendar years. If you register your shares in registered form in 2024, and hold your shares in 2025 and 2026, you will receive the loyalty premium on the 2026 dividend from 2027.
In order to register your registered securities, simply send your registration order before 16 December 2024 to Uptevia via the conversion form.
No, it is sufficient for them to be managed registered shares. The financial intermediary managing your share account must inform Uptevia of any change in your position.
The bank managing the registered share accounts, Uptevia, keeps a record of the continuity of the positions of holders of direct registered shares which it manages directly. For holders of managed registered shares, it contacts all the financial intermediaries concerned asking them to provide an attestation with regard to the continued position of the accounts of their clients over the two years prior to payment of the dividend.
The loyalty bonus represents 10% of the paid dividend. Based on the dividend of 6.60 euros that will be paid in 2024 (and will be submitted to the Annual General Meeting for approval of 23 April 2024), the shareholder who is able to benefit from this provision will receive 7.26 euros, 6.60 + 10% = 7.26 euros per share.
If they have held their shares as registered shares for over two years, these shareholders will receive a preferential dividend for the fraction of the shares they hold amounting to 0.5% of the share capital at the closing date of the previous fiscal year. For the fraction exceeding 0.5%, the dividend received will be the normal dividend paid to all shareholders.
For example: A shareholder owning 6,000,000 shares (i.e. around 1% of the share capital of L'Oréal) would receive a preferential dividend for 3,033,225 shares (which represent 0.5% of the share capital) and an ordinary dividend for the rest (2,966,775 shares).
The L'Oréal share is listed on the Paris Stock Market, on Eurolist Compartment A. The share is eligible for the deferred settlement service (Service de Règlement Différé).
Since the commencement of the European directive called "MIF" ("Marchés d'intruments financiers" - financial instruments markets).
Unsponsored ADRs (American Depositary Receipt) circulate freely in the United States at the initiative of several banks working in the USA.
The L'Oréal share was first quoted on the stock market on 8 October 1963.
- Ms Françoise Bettencourt Meyers and her familly: 34.73%,
- Nestlé : 20.13%,
- Institutional investors: 37.33%,
- Individual shareholders: 5.92%,
- Employees : 1.89%.
- ISIN code: FR0000120321.
- Loyalty Bonus codes:
Shares that already benefit from the preferential dividend: FR0011149590;Dividend + 10% in 2025: FR001400ECA7
Dividend + 10% en 2026 : FR001400M8G9
- NYSE Euronext: OR.PA
- Bloomberg: OR:FP
- Reuters: OREP.PAThe main stock indexes on which the L'Oréal share is listed are as follows: CAC 40, Euronext 100, DJ Euro Stoxx 50, Stoxx Europe 600 Personal and Household Goods.
As of December 31, 2023 (the last trading day of 2023 is Friday, December 29), L'Oréal shares closed at a price of €450.65.
At 31 December 2023, the L’Oréal share accounted for:
- CAC = 6.6%,
- DJ Euro Stoxx 50 = 3,6%,
- Stoxx Europe 600 Personal and Household Goods = 12.4%
At 31 December 2023, floating shares represented 45.14% of L’Oréal’s capital. This figure can be broken down as follows:
- International institutional investors (30,7%),
- French institutional investors (6.63%),
- Individual shareholders (5.92%),
- Employees (1.89%).
The Annual General Meeting of April 23, 2024 approved the 2023 dividend of €6.60 proposed by the Board of Directors.
For many years, the Board has proposed to the Annual General Meeting a dividend that has increased strongly and regularly as a reflection of the continual improvement in your group's results. To obtain details of the evolution of dividends, as well as the dividend distribution rate, click here.
If your tax situation allows you to avoid this levy (reference tax income for the year before last of less than EUR 50,000 for a single person or EUR 75,000 for a couple), you must complete and return the form that your account holder will provide you with.
Download the document here.
At least 35 days prior to the date of the AGM, L'Oréal publishes a notice of the meeting in the French official bulletin of legal notices (Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires - BALO) to inform its shareholders of the holding of an AGM. This notice contains, inter alia, the agenda for the AGM and the text of the resolutions to be put to the vote. The agenda and the text of the resolutions are not however final at this stage.
At least 15 days before the meeting is to be held, a notice inviting shareholders to attend the meeting is published in the BALO and in a journal of legal notices (journal d'annonces légales - JAL). It is sent to registered shareholders by post. This notice specifies the date, place and time, the methods of participation in the meeting and the agenda.
Other means are also at your disposal to keep you informed about the holding of an AGM:
- Financial notices published by L'Oréal in the economic and financial press, which provide advance information on the date and time of the AGM and all the necessary information which will enable you to obtain an entrance card,
- The Shareholders Service Office (Toll-free number: 0800 66 66 66 for calls from fixed phones), +33 1 40 14 80 50 from abroad,
- The L'Oréal shareholders' website: www.loreal-finance.com/eng/annual-general-meeting.In order to provide you with easy access to the AGM, we recommend that you obtain an entrance card prior to the meeting and that you bring it with you to the meeting:
- if you are a registered shareholder: this entrance card can be obtained from UPTEVIA at the following address: L'Oréal - UPTEVIA - Service Assemblées Générales - 90-110 Esplanade du Général de Gaulle - 92931 Paris La Défense Cedex.
- if you are a bearer shareholder: you should contact your financial intermediary. You must first of all ask for a certificate proving that you are a shareholder at the date of the request. The intermediary will then send this certificate to UPTEVIA which will send you your entrance card.
If you are unable to attend the AGM in person, you will have the choice between 3 different possibilities for voting as provided for in the form sent with the file for the AGM:
1) Voting online on the secured website: Uptevia. If you are a registered shareholder, use the identifier number and the password you usually use to consult your account on the GISNOMI website. If you are a bearer shareholder, contact the institution that is the custodian of your shares, to ask for a certificate of participation in order to vote online.
2) Voting by mail: In order to vote by mail, please fill in the box next to the words "Je vote par correspondance" (I wish to vote by mail) and then fill in the boxes next to any resolutions with which you are not in agreement.
3) Giving a proxy to the Chairman: As the owner of the shares, you only have to date and sign at the bottom of the form, without filling in anything else. This means that you wish to vote in favour of all the draft resolutions presented or approved by the Board of Directors and vote against all the draft resolutions that may potentially be presented to counter its proposals.
4) Giving a proxy to your spouse, or to anyone else you choose: You should then check the appropriate box, and give the surname and first names or corporate name of the proxy appointed.
Whatever method of voting you choose, and regardless of whether you are the holder of bearer or registered shares, you should send at least three days before the AGM your duly completed, dated and signed form to:
Service Assemblées Générales
90-110 Esplanade du Général de Gaulle
92931 Paris La Défense Cedex
If you have not received your entrance card in time for the AGM, you may nevertheless attend such meeting:
- If you are a registered shareholder, you will simply be required to provide proof of your identity at the shareholder admission desk (registered shareholders counter).
- If you are a bearer shareholder, you may obtain admission by providing a certificate of holding issued by your financial intermediary, together with your identity papers.
If you haven't found the answer to your query, Send us your question by email.
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The app gives you access to the Group’s latest financial information, live share price and financial news, publications, news releases, and the most recent webcasts and strategic presentations.